HA230 Applied in a Patient Suffering from Severe D...2023-09-06
Jafron Q3 Report 2022: Prepping for the Winter2023-09-06
Jafron:Master the acute phase2023-09-06
The first Vietnam clinical case competition was su...2023-09-06
Jafron HA130 in Medical Research: Another Breakthr...2023-09-06
The way forward of Jafron in Europe2023-09-06
A Clinical Case about Septic Shock from Vietnam2023-09-06
Jafron Biomedical at the 40th Vicenza Course on AK...2023-09-06
Jafron Presents at the 59th ERA Congress2023-09-06
HA230 Applied in a Patient Suffering from Severe Deltamethrin Poisoning2023-09-06
Jafron Q3 Report 2022: Prepping for the Winter2023-09-06
Jafron:Master the acute phase2023-09-06
The first Vietnam clinical case competition was successfully held2023-09-06
Jafron HA130 in Medical Research: Another Breakthrough2023-09-06
The way forward of Jafron in Europe2023-09-06
A Clinical Case about Septic Shock from Vietnam2023-09-06
Jafron Biomedical at the 40th Vicenza Course on AKI&CRRT2023-09-06
Jafron Presents at the 59th ERA Congress2023-09-06